Sunday 30 August 2015

Oh my Lazy 8 !

Ramai yang tanya camna cara nak latih anak pegang pensel dengan betul.Camna nak imrpove fine motor skill dan nak anak lebih fokus. Kali ni nak share tentang LAZY 8. Ramai yang tak tahu benda ni, saya pun baru lagi belajar. Try buat kat anak memang dia suka. Banyak kertas plak tu dia ulang2.

Sharing from Mr Google :

This activity consists of repeatedly tracing a lateral 8, or infinity sign, with one hand, the other hand, and then both hands, while following with the eyes.  

This deceptively simple activity offers profound benefits. The Lazy 8s is one of Brain Gym's "Midline Movements," which Paul and Gail Dennison say were designed to "develop and support coordination of the two sides of the body, including the sensory modalities of sight, hearing, and touch."

In their book Brain Gym® Teacher's Edition, the Dennisons say the Lazy 8s activity is "known to help eliminate reversals and transpositions in reading and writing.

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